Tiwai Point Smelter. Rio Tinto Buys Out Sumitomo The Minister for Land Information and the Associate Minister of Finance approved Pacific Aluminium (New Zealand) Limited…
“Factory Farming Of The Elderly” The OIO has approved BUPA Retirement Villages Limited (United Kingdom 100%) buying cross-lease interests in villas 1-10 and villas 12-28…
“Hyperscale Data Centre” In Southland The OIO has approved Datagrid New Zealand Limited Partnership (Austria 38%, New Zealand 31%, France 31%) to buy six hectares…
“Zombie Fund Guru” The OIO has approved Resolution Life NOHC Pty Ltd (Australia 24%,Japan 22%, United States of America 15%, United Kingdom 11%, United Arab…
Latest news from CAFCA. Latest news from other news outlets.
Banks Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa,P.O. Box 2258Christchurch.
Digital Transnationals Another Microsoft Data Centre In Auckland Forestry IKEA Buying Up Land For Forestry Overseas Investment Office Standing Consents Standing Consents UK Private Equity…
Chief Reporter Maurice Williamson, the Minister of Land Information, is obviously having none of this PC nonsense being spouted by his boss. In relation to…
Chief Reporter – 30-08-2010 The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) congratulates the newly formed Save The Farms group, which has called for an…
How American unions and consumers won their rights Gregory Palast I want to tell you a secret. American consultants have sold the world on the…
By Bill Rosenberg There are vital constitutional and policy implications in the controversy over the Singapore free trade agreement (officially called a “Closer Economic Partnership”…
By Jane Kelsey Imagine the Government has announced a new law that would prohibit any future government from ever reintroducing tariffs on anything, while it…
By Bill Rosenberg Asia 2000 head, Tim Groser, described the Singapore free trade agreement as a Trojan Horse for what he called “the real negotiating…
Don’t talk about exports, by Bill Rosenberg A central feature of the Labour/Alliance government’s economic programme is its assistance to industry and regional development. However, agreements…
Submission to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Overseas Investment Bill 2004 I have many concerns about the level of overseas investment in New…